Cloud Deployment
Set up Helicone on cloud infrastructure. Step-by-step instructions for deploying the LLM observability platform on a single node or Kubernetes cluster in the cloud.
Running on a single node
Create your node on the cloud. For example, on AWS, you can create an EC2 instance.
Make sure that the instance has enough memory and disk space to run Helicone.
For example, you can use the m5.2xlarge
instance type on AWS.
Recommend Requirements
- 8 vCPUs
- 32 GB RAM
- 250 GB disk space
Within your remote machine
Step 1: Clone the repo
Step 2: Run docker compose
Assuming you have your ssh config setup like this…
Let’s test it by running this command on your localhost
Now you can access the Helicone UI at http://localhost:3000
You can add users by going here: http://localhost:8989/project/default/auth/users and clicking “Add User”.
After you add a user, you can connect to the dashboard at http://localhost:3000/signin
The proxy is setup at localhost:8787 for OpenAI.
You can test it works by adding a new key on the http://localhost:3000 and then running this command on your localhost
You should see all the data show up on Helicone.
The next steps before becoming production ready are:
Follow the instructions here like
- Change the default password
- Add a custom domain
- Add SSL
- Add a SMTP server
- Generate API keys
Add a load balancer in front of the server
- Add HTTPS to web and workers
- Change public variables for our backend routes. (NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_PATH, SUPABASE_PUBLIC_URL, API_EXTERNAL_URL)
Add a database backup strategy and change the volume to a persistent volume
Running in Kubertes (Beta)
We have a Helm chart that is not well maintained that you all can try. It’s not production ready yet.
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